Who are we

The Horben Radio HB9HR is an amateur radio club whose interest lies in making worldwide radio connections with other amateur radio operators. These radio connections are confirmed using a QSL card. The card closely resembles a regular postcard and serves the purpose of mutually confirming the connection to the other radio operators by providing the call signs, frequency, transmission quality, and operating mode.

There are various types of radio connections possible, including voice transmissions, Morse code (CW), and different forms of data transmissions. Even television is a possible mode of transmission available to us as amateur radio operators.

In a time dominated by the internet and modern mobile communication technologies, which allow everyone to communicate with the world, amateur radio may not seem special anymore. However, the allure lies not just in communication itself but in doing so by bridging maximum distances through the air with minimal effort, taking into account the physical characteristics of high-frequency technology and without prior knowledge of the receiver. With numerous factors at play, under favorable conditions, it is possible to establish a connection with an unknown radio operator in another country, or it may not work at all. Exploring this possibility is one of the fascinating aspects that make this hobby so interesting.

If we have sparked your interest and you would like to learn more about our hobby, you are welcome to visit us without any obligation. Please contact us to arrange a visit and we will be happy to answer any further questions about this exciting hobby.